Hey , i see it and i think WTF o.O
does that mean really, that we can no longer play with banned accounts?
sry for my bad english :D
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Hey , i see it and i think WTF o.O
does that mean really, that we can no longer play with banned accounts?
sry for my bad english :D
We're attempting a bypass... Cross your fingers!
Hi Guys,
Just wondering if anyone online could shed some light. After seeing this post, I'm Still confused whether the PB Ban is fixed or not.. :/
I've just started using the hack after the Delayed PB Ban that happened recently. I just downloaded the new loader and deleted my old files. I still can't seem to join a game. :( gets kicked out for 1200mins.
Noticed that I don't have a settings file generated since its the new version. Could that be the case? If so how can I get through this? :(
Apologies if this has been asked before...:facep:
Thanks Guys!
So the PB Anti-Ban hack that was done recently would not by-pass this? :/
Well this post says its done - > http://www.nxhacks.net/showthread.ph...ber-5th-Update ??? :(