Username: Victor (PointBreak) Ov
Country: Canada
Age: 24
Biography: I am originally from Russia but moved to Canada a while ago, i am a student at university and i live in an apartment with my roommate. Gaming has been a big part of my life as i played through many genres of games throughout the year.

I'm applying for a Media staff position, because i have many years of experience with programs such as Sony Vegas Pro, Adobe After Effects and Photoshop. I feel my experience and skills with the multimedia programs can be greatly useful to you and help expand and mostly impress the population. I feel like my greatest quality and strength is not in my skill, which is very high of course but the fact that i love making videos and doing artwork in Photoshop.

My Video Audition:
My Photoshop Work:

Thank you!, I love nxhacks and will always be a supporter!