One thing I have noticed here is that the hack I thought I would get was not the one I ended up getting. Many missing features, almost all the good stuff = FF Ban Risk Lable in Red so I don't touch it and smooth aim yes does not work as you would think. I was hoping for TV Missiles and Teleport or Jumping. Even the Invisible option on hardcore servers and the option to remove tags and spot etc all turned on, even with all of that the players still see me.
This hack is far from finished and certainly is not perfect. The aimbot is okay but tbh another company I used before this one was deadly accurate this one you have to play around with it a bit to find it's imperfections and restrictions. For example you can't 1 shot a heli with SMAW it misses 80% of the time unless the heli is hovering.

Anyway the reason for my message reply is this, you paid $10 for a hack. That's Cheap! If I wanted TV Missiles, Deadly Aimbot that was 90% accurate or higher and invisible means invisible no way of them finding you even with thermals then yea I would def pay $30- $40 per month easy! A teleport option would be good also.

I would also say this, I have seen some hack companies offer an "External Drawing" option which basically means that if you record or stream the ESP lines / boxes will NOT show! This means all the streamers out there can look pro (if they pretend to play legeit ofc, I mean common sense is required) but yea if they had this feature again I would pay $40 - $50 if all my requested features were made and working.

I also think you should make a new category inside of the menu for "Rage / Risk of Ban" and another for "Safe Features" and the Sales part of this site should also point out the "Cool" features are a risk.

Just my 2 cents. Happy Hacking.