Paypal ask for my creditcard, is there any other way?
or can I just send the money to ur paypal account? as a gift or something.
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Paypal ask for my creditcard, is there any other way?
or can I just send the money to ur paypal account? as a gift or something.
If you already got paypal funds on your paypal account you can pay with those funds. Else you can also add a credit/debut card and send the money to them directly from there true paypal.
I've got the same problem and was discussing with an admin about that..
I actually have the money (more than needed to buy the hacks) on my paypal account. I don't have a credit card verified with my account. But I can't buy it with my PayPal funds. This system is (sorry) just bullshit. Who would use that? You're just loosing customers.. But hey, since it got detected again I'm actually relieved that I didn't buy it.